🚀 升腾峰会:印度创业生态系统火花四射 🚀



印度风险投资状况 | ENBLE

<h5 h5="" id="超过150名投资者,包括新加坡主权基金淡马锡和马来西亚的卡赞纳,聚集在孟买五星级的卓美亚酒店✨,在最近的一个星期五,参加了风险投资公司Lightspeed India Partners的“Lift Off”峰会。 这两天的活动旨在通过“在短时间内让许多观点、想法和投资在nC2连接之间共享,形成众多排列组合”,正如Blume Ventures联合创始人Karthik Reddy所描述。</h5>
<h5 id=" off的成功,帮助推动交易和网络建设,包括为新加坡主权基金淡马锡在去年晚些时候将资金投入企业对企业市场vegrow打开了大门。="" 今年的乐观氛围反映了印度过去三到四个月内初创企业融资的复苏。="" 但是,奢华的环境无法掩盖行业仍面临的紧迫问题。


当被问及印度风投公司是否筹集了过多资金,积攒了比他们能够负责的更多资金时,Lightspeed合伙人Bejul Somaia回答道:“坐在这里,现在是2024年初,我们观察到了2023年的投资活动水平以及初创企业创建的速度,我认为答案是肯定的。” “当前一轮基金是在2021/2022年筹集的,那时的活动水平和投资金额大大高于2023年。 2021年,印度的风险投资(早期和后期阶段)达到了330亿美元。 而到了2023年,这个数字只有90亿美元。 因此,我们必须记住,2021/2022年筹集的基金规模是根据那个时期的机会而定的。” 他解释说:“如果你看投资数量,2021年有2200笔投资,而到了2023年,这个数字仅约为一半。 现在这并不代表市场不会在两三年内再次加速…市场循环确实会发生变动。 因此,2023年也不一定反映印度风险融资市场的机会。”


India in the Global AI Race: 💡

With AI progress surging in Western hubs, 🏁 India is lagging in foundational research as very few of its startups attempt to build large language models. Lightspeed sees parallels to the firm’s early investment in Indian Energy Exchange – building a power trading platform whose analog didn’t exist in Western markets. “My perspective is that right now we are at a phase with AI where a lot of the infrastructure, and some tooling, is being built. This is primarily happening in Silicon Valley. It has actually been a reminder that the concentration of technical talent in Silicon Valley is unparalleled,” said Somaia.

“In the time that we have been investing in India, we have observed limited core technical infrastructure innovation. Most of the opportunity tends to be at the application layer – for consumer and enterprise. There are many reasons for this, including market dynamics and the investor community, where we have few technically-strong investors…..so it’s a bit of chicken and egg,” he added.

The Patient Capital: 💰

A concern held by many investors in India is that several late-stage startups continue pushing for up-rounds, exhausting their runways before accepting post-downturn realities. Anuj Bhargava, Lightspeed MD and Head of India Corporate Development, told ENBLE he sees progress towards alignment with the public markets. “I think this is the year where the financing that will happen will be in more sync with the public markets. For growth companies, the private markets have been slow. But for the names that have really improved their PnLs, have cut the burns and are on sustainable unit economics, I think the public markets offer a great opportunity,” he said.

India has also attracted growing sovereign fund interest over the past three years at a scale it never before, he said, adding he was optimistic that they will invest in many late-stage startups. “We had a lot of funds not based in India but investing in India because of the opportunity the country offered to them outside their own. A lot of companies ended up raising money that didn’t justify their scale or progress. In the last few years, some of the momentum investors have not been investing as much in India, creating a void,” he said.

“That void has been filled by patient capital – sovereign funds were very quiet in 2020 and 2021; pension funds who were either quiet and probably hadn’t invested much in India earlier; and the growth arms of the private equity funds, many of which earlier weren’t investing much in tech. So these three pockets of capital are mature, long-term and patient and I anticipate we will see more activities from them going forward.”

While late-stage funding remains tightened considerably, some investors see bright spots in India’s early-stage ecosystem. Peak XV, Lightspeed, Elevation, Accel and Nexus signed over a dozen early-stage deals in the month of January alone, according to a person familiar with the matter.

🌐 References:

  1. Fintech raises $109 million
  2. Cap VC wants AI-powered operating system
  3. Big costly seed deals exception
  4. Inception Capital closes flagship fund
  5. Google’s first Africa cloud region
  6. HP gaming laptop RTX 4070
  7. Recrafts foundational model
  8. Giga-ml wants to help companies deploy LLMs offline










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Lightspeed India Lift Off Summit
India’s Early-Stage Ecosystem
